what we did!!!

ok so here is the stuff that I did today…….

so I woke up went to the house went to my parent’s room went back to my room started playing and then Misty woke up and started watching me play and then Sunny woke up and then started watching me until I told them to stop watching me and then we went to my parent’s room and then my mom told me if I wanted o go to the papalote with Cielo and her family and I said yes

so on we went but then the skating ring was closed and we couldn’t go in for free and it was to much for us to pay so we went to mega and bout some chips and then we went to mc donalt’s

and then we went back to the house and then we went to the centro and bout some dog food and bread and then we ate and then I came to my mom’s room and I was able to be in the comp and right this post and that’s all for todayand so GODBYE

Feliz Cumpleanos!! Natali! Te Amo!

Te queiro mucho natali y espero que te la pases SUPER bien!! Te extrano mucho pero no te preocupes nos vamos a ver muy pronto.. EN JUNIO!! Muah! Aqui hay un poema para ti:

Este lindo y precioso dia que cumples un ano mas

Lo mas lindo es que cada ano, celebramos sin parar

Y siempre tu cumpleanos sera un dia especial!

No te desanimes con los obstaculos

Mira adelante y triunfaras!

Porque eres una buena persona

Y se que siempre lo seras

Cuando estes triste no te olvides de una amiga

Que te apoyara en las buenas y en las malas

Y nunca te dejara!

Que cumplas muchos anos mas!

Feliz Cumpleanos!

Te amo! Perdon que puse “n” en todas pero esta computadora no sirve para ponerle en espanol… Te amo y extrano mucho! Bye!


Flo could you do me the favor and show this to her? Txs! (if she doesn’t happn to read it.. because I think esteban and angel read it… they just don’t post.. I know I tell them to… but they just say they dont know what to put… so yeah… txs!